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Ron. Lavalette's work has appeared in these fine publications:

Saturday, January 14, 2023

I Heard Voices

 Red Wolf Journal (Online) January 2023

RWJ Winter/Spring Anthology (Online) March 2023

Red Wolf Editions: Visitations (Online Author’s Collection) March 2023

I heard voices
on the long highway home from Sutton
and I missed you when the sun went down.
I heard voices in the dashboard, singing.
I turned up the volume and I missed you.
I thought about Graffiti Overpass
thirty years ago in Stafford Springs:
Love conquers all,” it said; “The strong will endure.”
I heard voices on the rise near Coventry
and I missed you when the sun went down.
As the darkness rose around me
I thought about you, that night in Forest Park,
the darkest rose in the garden,
and the long highway home, alone.